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Lăn tăn quá???Your Dell Warranty Service in Vietnam is extremely terrible
First of all, I've been using Dell products all the time but now I lost faith in you guys because your representative in Vietnam is too awful. You guys should check it or find another company which can do better. Otherwise you will lose plenty of customers here. My previous Dell XPS broke VGA right after warranty expired. I brought it to Dell Customer Service to change VGA and even though I paid, they took me more than a week just to change a VGA which I can do in less than 15 minutes. My friend asked me surprisedly "is it true" because Asus guy do it immediately. My current Dell Latitude E6410 has had screen error when warranty remaining more than 500 days. I 've brought it to the terrible Warranty Service again and they ask me Order Number which I've lost because I bought it from a friend's cousin. He bought it in US and sold it later. Now all I have is a service tag JQ12XN1 with more than 500 days warranty remaining and they say THEY DON'T DO WARRANTY SERVICE IN VIETNAM BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN BOUGHT IN US. Is that called INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY? when you bought it in US and can't have warranty in Vietnam. Furthermore, you should hear the guy who talked to me, if I were you, I fire him immediately. He said "You bring it to US for warranty" and smile sarcastically. I want to slap on his face. And for your more information, the Warranty Procedure here is too complicated and takes too much time. Hope you guys solve this problem soon. My friends they all migrate to Asus now and I'm about to do so because Asus Service in Vietnam much better.
Do nó không thông dụng, nên cũng tiính trướcM4800 này dễ gì hỏng mà bác lo BH
Trên mạng chửi nhoi v/v trung tâm BH tại VN (website thì chết rồi) "làm tiền" bằng cách bắt chờ dài cổ + tính phí chuyển hàng vềDell Việt Nam khó bảo hành anh bạn kia ko còn phiếu bảo hành cộng thêm thái độ ứng xử của nhân viên dell làm khách bức xúc.... Dịch vụ khách hàng của Dell cũng tốt mà, nhưng khá mất thời gian chờ đợi do đại lý bảo hành phải thực hiện các thủ tục rườn rà với hãng mẹ để lấy linh kiện thay thế .
when you bought it in US and can't have warranty in Vietnam.