*Kết quả thử nghiệm va chạm các loại xe Pickup (EURONCAP):
Isuzu D-Max Sucks, 2 stars
Nissan Navara Sucks, 2 stars
Toyota Hilux Sucks, 3 stars
Mitsubishi L200 is a good diesel pick up, 4 stars
Ford Ranger just received 2 stars
* Một số lời bình khi xem crash test mit triton của khách hàng nước ngoài:
- I own an L200 it has a good engine, transmission but the quality of all the others components are not so good

... anyway i like this car (pick-up).
-My dad wanted a Navara, and so did I, but after the NCAP ratings, Im definitely going to advise him to go for the L200.
- Yap, 4 stars. Its best pickup in Nissan Navaras and Toyota Hiluxes class. Best 4wd system, best engine and now its also most saftey.
-Great truck, especially for it's 28 thousands US dollars cost. I drive the same more than year and I like it. It's a good four-drive truck. And it has very good 2,5 liter turbo-diesel engine.
-best 4x4 in its class. wouldnt drive anythin else especially not the ranger or hilux. they are both made to a cheap budget weras mitsubishi have made a fantastic moto.
-Comparing to its competitors, .ie., Ford Ranger, Nissan Nevara, Isuzu D-Max. This one score the best for EuroNC.
hahah Mitsubishi must teach GM how to make a truck, a safe truck. (Isuzu = GMC).
-Gracias, tienes toda la razón.( Bó tay...)
- a lot better than nissan nivara