Hạng D
Gửi các bác làm tài liệu tham khảo khi cân chỉnh thước lái vợ 2 Forte/Koup

<span style=""color: #0000ff;"">Front </span>Wheel Alignment

When using a commercially available computerized wheel alignment equipment to inspect the front wheel alignment, always position the vehicle on a level surface with the front wheels facing straight ahead.
Prior to inspection, make sure that the front suspension and steering system are in normal operating condition and that the tires are inflated to the specified pressure.

<hr/> B - A > 0: Toe in (+)
B - A < 0: Toe out (-)
<hr/> Toe Adjustment
1. Loosen the tie rod end lock nut.
2. Remove the bellows clip to prevent the bellows from being twisted.
3. Adjust the toe by screwing or unscrewing the tie rod. Toe adjustment should be made by turning the right and left tie rods by the same amount.
<hr/> Toe-in
<span style=""background-color: #ffff00;"">Total : 0.12°±0.18° </span>
Individual : 0.06°±0.09°
<span style=""background-color: #ccffcc;"">Total : 0.4°±0.2° </span>
Individual : 0.2°±0.1°
4. When completing the toe adjustment, install the bellows clip and tighten the tie rod end lock nut to specified torque.
<hr/> Tightening torque :
50 ~ 55N.m (5.0 ~ 5.5kgf.m, 36 ~ 40lb-ft)
<hr/> 5. Compensate the steering angle sensor after adjusting the wheel alignment.
(Refer to Steering System - "Steering Column-Shaft")
Camber and Caster
Camber and Caster are pre-set at the factory, so they do not need to be adjusted. If the camber and caster are not within the standard value, replace or repair the damaged parts and then inspect again.
<hr/> Camber angle
<span style=""background-color: #ffff00;"">4DR : -0.64°±0.5° </span>
<span style=""background-color: #ccffff;"">2DR : -0.81°±0.5° </span>
<hr/> <hr/> Caster angle
<span style=""background-color: #ffff00;"">4DR : 4.38°±0.5° </span>
<span style=""background-color: #ccffff;"">2DR : 4.94°±0.5° </span>
<hr/> <span style=""color: #0000ff;"">Rear</span> Wheel Alignment

CAUTION When using a commercially available computerized wheel alignment equipment to inspect the rear wheel alignment, always position the vehicle on a level surface.
Prior to inspection, make sure that the rear suspension system is in normal operating condition and that the tires are inflated to the specified pressure.

<hr/> B - A > 0: Toe in (+)
B - A < 0: Toe out (-)
<hr/> Toe is pre-set at the factory, so it does not need to be adjusted. If the toe is not within the standard value, replace or repair the damaged parts and then inspect again.
<hr/> Toe-in
<span style=""background-color: #ffff00;"">Total : 0.4°±0.2° </span>
Individual : 0.2°±0.1°
<span style=""background-color: #ccffff;"">Total : 0.4°±0.2° </span>
Individual : 0.2°±0.1°
<hr/> Camber
Camber is pre-set at the factory, so it does not need to be adjusted. If the camber is not within the standard value, replace or repair the damaged parts and then inspect again.
<hr/> Camber
<span style=""background-color: #ffff00;"">4DR / 2DR : -1.5°±0.5° </span>
Nguồn www.kiatechinfo.com

Minh họa các góc Toe, Camber, Caster:

Nhân tiện các bác cho em hỏi ở SG mình chỗ nào cân chỉnh thước lái tốt (ngoài Dr.Joe và Hồng Cường) để em mang vợ 2 đi cân xem sao ạ :D
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Hạng D
Sao hổng vô 2 chỗ đó anh? Với cái này trợ điện hay dầu cũng chơi hết hả
Hạng D
michau83 nói:
Sao hổng vô 2 chỗ đó anh? Với cái này trợ điện hay dầu cũng chơi hết hả
Không biết trong KIA/trong Honda/ hay Michelin hàng xanh có cân chỉnh bằng Hunter k nhỉ.
Hạng B2
Neu 2cho~ do chinh uy tin' ok! Thi minh nen zo do chinh~! Nhung xe minh con moi' co' nen chinh~ lai k ta? Xe e luc' dung' im 1cho~ danh' lai' thi bi keu^ rộp rộp? Vay minh lam cach nao de cho het tieng kêu do' bac' Cerato5921 , e dinh len hang~ Kia de no' bao~ hanh , k bit Hang~ co' lam dc hok?
Hạng D
khongcotien nói:
khi nao thi can phai can chinh vay cac bac
Khi thay lò xo, phuộc
Khi bị sụp ổ gà mạnh, va chạm mạnh phần mũi xe, bánh xe
Khi xe cảm giác xe bị bồng bềnh, rung lắc bất thường
Khi thước lái k chuẩn, vô lăng để thẳng mà xe bị nghiêng 1 bên
Khi vỏ xe mới mà bị mòn k đều trong thời gian ngắn
Khi..... (nhờ các bác bổ sung hộ em :D)
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