Chủ đề tương tự
RE: Từ 10/9, bán xăng từ sắn và nước mía
Em ngâm cứu trên mạng thì có nói là động cơ xăng có thể dùng E5 mà không cần modify gì, có thể tới E10. Còn từ E10 trở lên thì phải can thiệp 1 chút vào động cơ. Phổ biến hiện nay trên TG là E15.
Cóp nguyên bản tiếng A
Bio-ethanol is derived from crops such as sugar beet, sugar cane, corn, jerusalem artichoke etc. Ethanol can be produced from biomass by hydrolysis and sugar fermentation processes.
Bioenergy crops and its wastes contain a mixture of cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. In order to produce the sugars, that will form the ethanol, the biomass is pre-treated with acids or enzymes to open up the plant structure. The cellulose and the hemi cellulose portions are broken down (hydrolysed) by enzymes or dilute acids into sucrose sugar that is then fermented into ethanol.
Bio-ethanol can be mixed with petrol at any blend. Blends are coded like E100 or E85 where the number reflects the percentage of bio-ethanol of the fuel. So E100 means the fuel is 100% (bio-)ethanol whereas B85 means 85% of the fuel is bio-ethanol and the remaining 15% is regular petrol derived from fossil fuels.
Petrol engines can run on a blend of 5% bio-ethanol (E5) without any modifications. Car manufacturers warrant their cars to run on E5 and some will even warrant E10 if the fuel comes from a respected supplier. Above 10% some modifications need to be made. Cars with flexi-fuel (or dual fuel) equipment installed can use blends up to 85%. E85 is the most commonly found blend for these vehicles. The use of bio-ethanol will lead to an increased fuel consumption of approximately 30% compared to petrol. But an engine specifically configured to run on E100 can use the higher compression ratio of bio-ethanol hence resulting in a increased power output and better fuel economy.
Running an engine on 100% bio-ethanol will result in a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of 70%, respectively 60% and 3,5% reduction of co2 emissions for E85 and E5.
Em ngâm cứu trên mạng thì có nói là động cơ xăng có thể dùng E5 mà không cần modify gì, có thể tới E10. Còn từ E10 trở lên thì phải can thiệp 1 chút vào động cơ. Phổ biến hiện nay trên TG là E15.
Cóp nguyên bản tiếng A
Bio-ethanol is derived from crops such as sugar beet, sugar cane, corn, jerusalem artichoke etc. Ethanol can be produced from biomass by hydrolysis and sugar fermentation processes.
Bioenergy crops and its wastes contain a mixture of cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. In order to produce the sugars, that will form the ethanol, the biomass is pre-treated with acids or enzymes to open up the plant structure. The cellulose and the hemi cellulose portions are broken down (hydrolysed) by enzymes or dilute acids into sucrose sugar that is then fermented into ethanol.
Bio-ethanol can be mixed with petrol at any blend. Blends are coded like E100 or E85 where the number reflects the percentage of bio-ethanol of the fuel. So E100 means the fuel is 100% (bio-)ethanol whereas B85 means 85% of the fuel is bio-ethanol and the remaining 15% is regular petrol derived from fossil fuels.
Petrol engines can run on a blend of 5% bio-ethanol (E5) without any modifications. Car manufacturers warrant their cars to run on E5 and some will even warrant E10 if the fuel comes from a respected supplier. Above 10% some modifications need to be made. Cars with flexi-fuel (or dual fuel) equipment installed can use blends up to 85%. E85 is the most commonly found blend for these vehicles. The use of bio-ethanol will lead to an increased fuel consumption of approximately 30% compared to petrol. But an engine specifically configured to run on E100 can use the higher compression ratio of bio-ethanol hence resulting in a increased power output and better fuel economy.
Running an engine on 100% bio-ethanol will result in a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of 70%, respectively 60% and 3,5% reduction of co2 emissions for E85 and E5.
RE: Từ 10/9, bán xăng từ sắn và nước mía
Vậy sau này các Bác đi sau xe nào có mùi khói thơm như mùi mía lùi thì đích thị đang chạy xăng ethanol E5
Vậy sau này các Bác đi sau xe nào có mùi khói thơm như mùi mía lùi thì đích thị đang chạy xăng ethanol E5