2004 Chrysler ME Four-Twelve
Hang Daimler Chrysler (hang xe me cua Mercedes) vua cho ra doi mot mau xe moi hoan toan trong nam 2004:Chrysler ME Four-Twelve:
Day la mot kieu xe hoan toan moi cho nam 2004.Day la mot chiec concept 7 toc do, dong co Quad-turbo 6.0 l V12 do hang AMG phat trien.Ong Trevor Creed - nguoi dung dau tap doan Chrysler phat bieu:"day la mot chiec xe duoc thai nghen lau nhat cua tap doan,moi thong tin ve xe duoc giu kin voi the gioi ben ngoai, ke ca trong tap doan!"(“The ME Four-Twelve has been one of the most closely guarded secrets, not only to the outside world but also within our organization,” ).Y tuong thiet ke chiec xe xuat phat tu cuoc trien lam xe Dodge Tomahawk,nhung dieu khac biet lon nhat la Dodge Tomahawk khang dinh suc manh thiet ke, con ME Four - Twelve thi khang dinh suc manh dong co va cong nghe che tao.(“The idea for this machine was conceived as a spectacular follow-up to the Dodge Tomahawk shown last year. The big difference is that Tomahawk was a design statement. ME Four-Twelve, however, is as much an engineering statement as it is a design statement.”)
Voi dong co Quad Turbo 6.0 l V12 7 cap do, ME Four - Twelve tang toc rat nhanh tu 0 - 100 Km/h trong 6,2 giay va dat toc do toi da la 400 km/h.
Than xe duoc lam tu soi Cacbon chiu luc cao, ngoai ra ghe xe cung duoc lam tu soi cacbon boc da sang trong.Vo-lang va cac num dieu khien duoc thiet ke theo kieu xe dua F-1:
Du kien xe se duoc san xuat hang loat vao cuoi mua he nam nay!
Hang Daimler Chrysler (hang xe me cua Mercedes) vua cho ra doi mot mau xe moi hoan toan trong nam 2004:Chrysler ME Four-Twelve:

Day la mot kieu xe hoan toan moi cho nam 2004.Day la mot chiec concept 7 toc do, dong co Quad-turbo 6.0 l V12 do hang AMG phat trien.Ong Trevor Creed - nguoi dung dau tap doan Chrysler phat bieu:"day la mot chiec xe duoc thai nghen lau nhat cua tap doan,moi thong tin ve xe duoc giu kin voi the gioi ben ngoai, ke ca trong tap doan!"(“The ME Four-Twelve has been one of the most closely guarded secrets, not only to the outside world but also within our organization,” ).Y tuong thiet ke chiec xe xuat phat tu cuoc trien lam xe Dodge Tomahawk,nhung dieu khac biet lon nhat la Dodge Tomahawk khang dinh suc manh thiet ke, con ME Four - Twelve thi khang dinh suc manh dong co va cong nghe che tao.(“The idea for this machine was conceived as a spectacular follow-up to the Dodge Tomahawk shown last year. The big difference is that Tomahawk was a design statement. ME Four-Twelve, however, is as much an engineering statement as it is a design statement.”)

Voi dong co Quad Turbo 6.0 l V12 7 cap do, ME Four - Twelve tang toc rat nhanh tu 0 - 100 Km/h trong 6,2 giay va dat toc do toi da la 400 km/h.
Than xe duoc lam tu soi Cacbon chiu luc cao, ngoai ra ghe xe cung duoc lam tu soi cacbon boc da sang trong.Vo-lang va cac num dieu khien duoc thiet ke theo kieu xe dua F-1:

Du kien xe se duoc san xuat hang loat vao cuoi mua he nam nay!