Thảo Luận Chung Reset lại warning của LS430

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Re: RE: Reset lại warning của LS430

GiaoThong nói:
Bác thử vào đây xem nhé:

Tire Pressure Monitor Warning light

The reset button is indeed on the dash under the ignition, but WAY under the ignition, under the dashboard itself. It's difficult to find but if you keep moving your hand down and toward the front of the car you will find it underneath the dash before your hand touches the accelerator pedal.

On the '04 LS430, without Nav, there are two buttons practically UNDER
the dash, to the right of the steering column. If you were to grab a
flashlight and look under there, you'll see two buttons. One is to
disable the smart key system, the other is a reset for the tire sensor.
The smart key switch should be the one closer to the front of the dash,
and also is a "push-pull" style of switch, meaning it could be pushed
in and stay there, or be pulled out and stay there.

The other is a "momentary" switch. This is the one you need. What you
do is push on the button and hold for a second, then let go. The light
at this point should go off. Then you need to push and HOLD the button
a second time untill the message "Reinitialing System" appears.That
resets and initializes the system to work as designed. As long as you
follow this procedure and the tires are inflated properly, the light
will go away.
Công nhận bác này hay. :D