US Air Force Lt.Gen Herbert Carlislo cùng chia sẽ nỗi lo với bác Cò Quạp và SVG về mối đe doạ từ công nghệ vũ khí hàng không của Trung Của và Nga nè:
Bản dịch ():
"Over time I believe we will still maintain an advantage, but I think our advantage will be a shorter period of time," he said.
Nhưng cuối cùng thì:
"I think they'll get there eventually, but by that time, we'll be at the next level," he said.
Còn F35: "What's keeping us ahead right now - I think the Joint Strike Fighter and its capabilities will do that."
Bản dịch ():
"Over time I believe we will still maintain an advantage, but I think our advantage will be a shorter period of time," he said.
Nhưng cuối cùng thì:
"I think they'll get there eventually, but by that time, we'll be at the next level," he said.
Còn F35: "What's keeping us ahead right now - I think the Joint Strike Fighter and its capabilities will do that."