Heat test of HID Xenon lamps
The test
Many talks about it, many fear it but few know the truth. is now ones and for all deal with this! We test how warm HID Xenon bulbs gets and how warm a normal halogen lamp get and then we compare it in the same environment.
We started to add some holes large enough for H7 bulbs to fit in a wood board. On top the the HID lamps we placed a glass jar to simulate a auto lamp house. On the jar we added 3 tape pieces that we measured the heat on (with laser). Each bulb was lit for 30 minutes and then we measured the heat they had produced.
Test result:
{td}55W Halogen{/td}
{td}35W HID bulb{/td}
{td}55W HID bulb{/td}
{td}75W HID bulb{/td}
Both the 35W hid bulbs and the 55W hid bulbs where cooler then the normal 55W halogen bulbs, they can therefor safely be used in most space where normal 55W halogen bulbs are used. There are however some reports that 55W HID can burn reflectors so to be on the safe side we recommend 35W HID.
We could very soon see that the 75W bulb went up in temperature very quickly and at the end became warmer then the 55 halogen bulb. 75W hid bulbs should therefor never be used in small spaces to avoid damaging the surroundings.
Worth noting is that both the normal 55W halogen bulb and the 75W HID bulb would have received lower temperatures if they where mounted on a metal surface. Those bulbs have a metal base with would have helped to spread the heat.
This test where made on stylingwebbens high quality bulbs and can therefor not guarantee that other budget low quality bulbs are as cool.