Thấy loại này để chuyên cho mạch điện, nhanh khô nè... chắc thay thế cho CRC MAF Cleaner được các bác nhỉ, không biết có bán ở SG không thôi.
Dùng rượu mạnh cũng được, alchol, hoặc là dùng cồn y tế 91%.
WD40 có để lại tạp chất, không dùng chai wd40 nhen.:
WD40 leaves a residue! Common isopropyl alcohol (70%) is ok, but better is the "medical" grade at 91% as it dries more quickly.
Simple acquer thinner is even faster, or its constituents: toluene, acetone, xylene, etc.
Just avoid anything oily, sticky, or melts plastic quickly!
No, don't do it!
WD40 will leave an oily deposit on the sensor and stop it from working properly.
Personally I use rubbing alcohol, a bunch of Q-tips and a steady hand.
Although I haven't used it for years there is probably nothing wrong with using rubbing or isopropyl alcohol on MAF sensor wire elements and the thermistors. The advantage of the MAF spray cleaners available at any auto parts store is they allow no contact with the relevant parts of a MAF with the exception of pushing the spray button so Murphy's Law is not invoked. "What can go wrong will go wrong". Also, does not leave any residue.
This MAF sensor was replaced due to improper cleaning. Worked before removal, then set a MAF DTC after cleaning.
Cách rẻ tiền nhất là mua chai cồn y tế (rubbing alcohol), rồi mua cái cây ngoái tai ( Q-tips) về rửa cái cảm biến là xong.

MAFs definitely need to be clean for proper operation.

I clean mine every ~15k miles or so, just to get the best possibile results from it. This is even more important for those people using K&N filters, since the filter oil can and does leave a bit of film residue on the MAF wires.
I've been using the rubbing alcohol and Q-tip method to clean my MAFs for at least 13 years now. Some people are terrified of this method and think it will damage it, but it absolutely will not damage it if you do it correctly and don't apply any pressure. I've tried the spray cleaners, and they are certainly better than nothing but they don't ever get the wires quite as clean as letting an alcohol soaked Q-tip gently glide along the surface of the wires.
Either way, keeping the MAF clean is always a good idea for best driveability and overall engine performance.
Rửa bằng cồn y tế 13 năm rồi, xe vẫn chạy tốt. Lấy cây tăm bông, tẩm cồn rồi rửa nhẹ cái Mafs (gently).
Mấy anh sử dụng lọc KN nên vệ sinh Mafs thường xuyên hơn vì dầu của lọc gió KN có bám vào sợi dây cảm ứng của cái Mafs ( the filter oil can and does leave a bit of film residue on the MAF wires)
Và kết luận rửa bằng cồn y tế sạch hơn rửa bằng chai cleaner
I'm glad this was helpful to you.

I am a firm believer in using this method, especially when K&N-type filters are in use. A spray cleaner by itself never seems to get the wires fully clean. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, I've been doing it this way for over a decade now and have never damaged any MAF using my routine. It's just a matter of not applying any significant pressure, just let the q-tip glide over the surface exactly like you did.
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