Lời AMUS đính chính:kebab nói:Cũng chính họ hôm qua lại phán: "Ferrari bleibt doch bei Pullrod-Aufhängung"....
Usually the information and drawings that we get leaked by our technical experts Giorgio Piola, waterproof. The Italian is after more than 600 Grand Prix in the premier class institution and a well connected everywhere - especially at Ferrari. But an expert is apparently sometimes fed with false information.
Ferrari not inverter back on a pushrod suspension
So we had originally reported that the Ferrari engineers have decided the car for the new season in 2014, again to switch back to a pushrod front suspension, as used by most other teams.
Unfortunately we have to correct ourselves here. According to the latest information from Giorgio Piola Ferrari will remain with the new regulations in the innovative pullrod suspension, in which the tension strut attaches to the lower part of the chassis and the top of the wheel.....
Lộ diện Mercedes V6-2014
Renault V6 turbo engine
William hé lộ hình ảnh(PC) mũi xe giống "thú ăn kiến"
Renault V6 turbo engine
William hé lộ hình ảnh(PC) mũi xe giống "thú ăn kiến"
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